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September 30, 2003

1000 Years for Revenge   (book)

1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI--the Untold Story
1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI--the Untold Story

Book looks interesting.
Excerpt from publisher's summary:
This is a story of heroes: Nancy Floyd, who tried to bring down the New York terror cell but paid for her efforts with damage to her career, and Ronnie Bucca, who tried to alert the FBI to the security threat to New York City from al Qaeda but paid for the agency's negligence with his life on 9/11. It is also a story of the power of evil: Lance offers a chilling chronicle of how one man -- the elusive mastermind Yousef -- managed to defeat the entire American security system in what Lance calls "the greatest failure of intelligence since the Trojan Horse."

Posted by yargevad at September 30, 2003 05:59 PM

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