November 26, 2010

October 12, 2010

September 16, 2010

August 23, 2010

August 06, 2010
I think one of Obama and Biden making out in the jungle would be even funnier.

July 16, 2010

July 12, 2010
July 08, 2010
July 07, 2010
BLANKS is a series of wooden Robots and robotic exoskeletons created by Tyler Jackson. Set in the post-apocalyptic world, the robotic exoskeleton would provide protection to its users against poisonous gases, viruses and scavengers.
Plus, they look awesome.

July 06, 2010
May 28, 2010
May 25, 2010
Robin develops a socialist’s hatred of inequality and a Tea Partier’s aversion to taxes, but the film downplays the political subtext—or any sort of subtext—in the single-minded interest of hitting its target.
—Keith Phipps, Robin Hood review
May 18, 2010
All complex ecosystems have parasites.
—Katherine Myronuk, quoted in Persistence Pays Parasites
May 03, 2010
“That is, that the more intelligent, who scored high on a vocabulary test, would drink more than the dumb, who scored low. Look at the other correlates above. But I’ve rarely seen such a stark near-monotonic trend with Wordsum.”

May 02, 2010
April 29, 2010

April 16, 2010
April 15, 2010

April 12, 2010
The Glenn Beck Show might seem like the political equivalent of professional wrestling, but it’s not even that sincere. At least with wrestling, we’re all most aware that wrestling follows a script even though some of the moves require a high caliber of strength and athleticism (and occasionally resulting in real injuries to the performers). The difference between Beck and wrestling is that with Beck the fakery isn’t common knowledge and the consequences of what he talks about on his show are very real.
—Bob Cesca, Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud
February 08, 2010
Navigation Pet Peeve: Solved! (geekin)
I had a good experience today with the Google Maps mobile app; one of those moments where technology did exactly what I wanted it to do. It makes me think that the developers actually use it themselves and care about making it work for all the different ways people want to use it.
But first, my navigation pet peeve. The most frequent way I want to use a navigation device is to get around a traffic jam. I already know how to get where I'm going, but there is traffic in the way and the goal becomes to take a less efficient route.
January 06, 2010
May 13, 2009
March 24, 2009
website mashup (geekin)
I haven't been updating this site regularly, but I have been using a blogging service called Tumblr for a while now. It's pretty minimalist, but definitely less micro than Twitter, in that it allows you to post other media types (images, video, audio) in addition to just text.
The only super easy way to get your Tumblr feed onto an existing domain (without using the APIs and writing actual code) is to point your whole domain at your Tumblr page. That's not what I wanted at all, but I've been too lazy to spend the time integrating.
However, over the last few evenings, I've done just that, and what you see on this site is (as of */10) posts from those two sites, mashed together. Enjoy!
March 06, 2009
Nerdigras (random re me)
Nerdy holidays abound in March! The newly-christened Nerdigras being the 10-day period starting with The Square Root of Christmas (12/25=1225=35^2=3/5) and ending with Pi Day (3/14). Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters all around!
August 10, 2008
"Family" Reunion 2008 (random re me)
Family reunions are fun, sometimes. You don't get to pick your family... or do you? This year, the 3rd Annual Family Reunion will be going on in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Probably Denver, too. Details. It's not technically family. It's a group of high school and college friends who like keeping good friends once they have them.
The weekend of September 27th is when it all goes down. There's an Oktoberfest going on in Denver, David Allen Coe is playing at The Fox, Kevin is having a birthday, and we'll probably go to some museum or something.
Love it.
new pics! (pic(s))
I've been taking pictures and posting them and not saying anything about it. Some of the more recent ones are Roller Skating 80s Party and OSCON 08. Whee!
April 15, 2008
new pictures! (pic(s))
Posted some new pictures finally, from closing day at Vail. Whee!
December 17, 2007
November 21, 2007
waterboarding. really? really?! (opinion)
I know I'm a little late on this. But honestly, who cares? This is important. Let's follow the link trail. Even if you followed the issue but haven't seen these particular things, take a second.
It started with Mark Morford's column titled "Outrage Fatigue?". From there, we find ourselves watching Keith Olbermann talk about waterboarding in general, as well as its wider implications (transcript). This was the "holy shit" moment for me. I've heard the word waterboarding tossed around, and I kinda assumed it was a synonym for Chinese Water Torture, but when you watch the video and see the demonstration and listen to the description of it by someone who underwent it... that fired me up in a way I don't often get.