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November 26, 2003

hello? hi me!   (random re me)

I did something rather transcendental this afternoon. But first, a little bit of lead-in:

I bought a new cell phone yesterday, and had my old number switched over (kthx Congress, now read the energy bill before you sign it), which involved surprisingly less voodoo magic than I had imagined. I suppose that happens in the back room where the customers aren't allowed. It was easy enough. I think the hardest question was "Is there a security question you are asked when you want to change your plan information?" Of course, only after I racked my brain for a while to remember my online account password did Betty Boop behind the counter (she actually was hot, which was nice) tell me "Oh, this is something that only big business accounts have." Then why did you ask me? I guess I look like Johnny Big Business over here, especially since it was Ugly Shirt Tuesday and here I am wearing my fruity old Arnold Palmer polo (no really, it had fruit designs on it, I think they were pomegranates).

So I finally walked out of there with my phone. I was informed that since I had switched my number over from my old carrier—Cingular, who doesn't have bad coverage, really, they just don't have any phones I like—it would take a while before I would get incoming calls on my new phone. But I could make outgoing calls on the new one. Great, I have to carry around my POS old Nokia held together with hockey tape for another couple days.

Finally, to the point: I got a bright idea this afternoon on the way out to the car for lunch. I called my phone number from my new phone. It rang on my old phone, I answered, and had a nice little conversation with myself. I won't burden you with the details, but it was quite exciting, I assure you.

Posted by yargevad at November 26, 2003 04:32 PM

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