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January 15, 2004

space saver   (geekin, random re me)

i've posted a lot of link entries on this website... about 600 as of this writing (always wanted to say that). and there is an html page generated for each one of those posts. by themselves, they're not all that big, but when you add in all the extraneous html that's on each page, it starts to add up!

the blogging software i use (Movable Type) isn't really set up to save space. it caches everything, which means that anytime a change to a page is made, any affected pages are regenerated from the database. it does have a quasi-include mechanism, which i guess isn't supposed to save space, but succeeded in making me use it instead of SSI initially.

i decided enough was enough when my archives directory (which is nothing but text/html files) passed the 10 meg mark. i pulled anything that wasn't entry-specific out into server side includes, 3 total, and saved a good amount of space, traded off against the server's processing power. it might not sound like a lot (3.3k, 2.2k, 2.1k), but multiplied by 800+ entries... *whew*

Posted by yargevad at January 15, 2004 02:36 PM

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