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February 11, 2004

screw you, Jack Daniels, you lying bastard!   (random re me)

i grill up pieces of dead animals quite a bit these days, using my housemate's extra large george foreman grill (link goes to a usb george foreman grill... wtf?). as you might (correctly) imagine, the taste of seared yet unseasoned animal flesh is unfulfilling after a while. this leads me to experiment widely with marinades. i've tried szechuan w/ guinness, teriyaki w/ whiskey, jamacian jerk, lemon herb, and a bunch of other random ones including one i made mostly from scratch that had V8 and lime juice in it.

yesterday i grilled up some steak with "Spicy Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce" (couldn't find a link for the Spicy one). except it wasn't spicy. at all. i am left to assume that Jack, potentially an inbred illiterate hick from Tennessee, either has no idea what the word "Spicy" (with that fancy city-folk curly letter on the end) means, or he just got sooo wasted and thought it would be funny to switch the labels on the spicy and normal bbq sauces. in which case i should have bought the normal bbq sauce. dammit.

now i think i'll have to try this and homemade JD sauces just to balance out the crappiness of the non-spicy JD "Spicy BBQ" version.

Posted by yargevad at February 11, 2004 03:18 PM

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