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March 25, 2004

just like that   (quote)

"In the middle of the night, ... I lie awake and watch the moon slowly move between the pines and think of the advantages of dying. Not that we are given a choice. Well, yes, there is self-slaughter, but that has always struck me as vulgur and self-important, like people who walk out of the theatre or the symphony concert"
  -Sylvia Winstanley, in Julian Barnes' Knowing French, from Granta 84

One of the other things in that article that made me chuckle actually took me a while to figure out, and I'm still half confused about what it means:

"A little girl once said to me, 'I understand about the Stag Brewery, but what's the Lie Brewery?'"

The little girl is apparently smarter than me (on some level, perhaps creative mispronunciation), because I can't figure for the life of me what a Stag Brewery could be... Anyone?

Posted by yargevad at March 25, 2004 09:05 PM

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