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April 20, 2004

libertarian diablo   (link)

lots of other good informative links from this article

"The fact that a community, even one made up mostly of young, testosterone-filled teenaged males can remain so enjoyable after all these years is good evidence that even the most aggressive society does not need a government to control it. People can control themselves, by cooperating with others when it is in their interests to do so, and by voluntarily joining peaceful communities like the Amazon Basin if they are interested in the kind of peace and security such a community provides. People, when left to their own devices, will cause more good than harm, and the competition and cooperation of the free market alone can adequately take care of nearly everyone. Order can come from below, from the invisible hand of the market and from the common interests of the people themselves. Order does not need to be imposed from above, by an uncontrollable, unaccountable, unnecessary authority. Trust the people to play by the rules, or make their own rules, and watch as they play the game of life."

Posted by yargevad at April 20, 2004 12:01 PM

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