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July 18, 2004

freedom is to justice...   (quote)

"Imperialist powers deprived most of the Islamic world of sovereignty; the prime demand, therefore, was for independence. Foreign rule was equated with tyranny, to be ended by whatever means possible. But tyranny means different things to different people. In the traditional Islamic system, the converse of tyranny is justice; in Western political thought, the converse of tyranny is freedom. At the present day, most Islamic countries are discovering that while they have gained independence, they enjoy neither justice nor freedom. There are some--and soon, perhaps, there will be many more--who see in democracy the surest way to attain both."

 Bernard Lewis, "Islam and Liberal Democracy: A Historical Overview," Journal of Democracy 7.2 (1996) 52-63

Posted by yargevad at July 18, 2004 02:49 PM

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