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March 30, 2005

A Bell for Adano   (book)

A Bell for Adano
A Bell for Adano

Reading this book is the first step towards reaching my goal of reading every work of fiction that has won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. It was also a fun read for me because it has to do with some of my pet interests: Military operations and the concept of human connections subverting command-and-control top-down authority structures.

The premise for this book is that an Italian-American (Major Joppolo) is put in charge of a town in Italy recently occupied by American troops in WWII. Recently freed from Fascist control, the townspeople are slow to accept that the Americans (at least some of them) have Italian best interests at heart. This book was referenced in some other book about Special Forces soldiers I read a while ago: "We need more Major Joppolos".

Posted by yargevad at March 30, 2005 12:13 AM

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