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June 24, 2005

rock the what?   (opinion)

What I got from Rock the Vote this week:

Wednesday morning, President Bush will speak at Montgomery Blair High
School in Silver Spring! He's going to promote his agenda for privatizing
Social Security.

Join Rock the Vote as we make a showing for young people that we do not
want the debt, cuts and risk that come with privatization!

What I sent to Rock the Vote's intern listed in the Reply-To:

I appreciate what the organization you intern at is trying to do in getting young people more involved in politics, but I don't appreciate being pidgeonholed as not supporting Social Security privatization just because I happened to sign up for your mailing list. Rock the Vote is making the same mistake as AARP in the way they frame the discussion about changes to the current Social Security system, specifically:

WSJ: AARP's False Campaign against Reform

and less specifically:

cato.org: Problems and Criticisms

You should read those, if they're not blocked at your firewall because they disagree with you. It helps to read both sides of the argument.

Posted by yargevad at June 24, 2005 01:45 PM

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