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August 15, 2005

Jesus & Weenies II: The Second Coming   (random re me)

I went to a party in Fredneck this weekend. Which was the second time this weekend I was that far north. So Friday evening I drove up to Cracker Barrel and futzed about for like 3 hours, eating some food in the process. Then we drove to Garrett County to Adam's maternal unit's farm to camp and run from bears. Got there around 12:30 and set up tents and drank beer until around 4, after starting a campfire with bugspray. Yay. Then I drove home to hang out with my uncles. Then I got drunk at a bar for Kelly's birthday, patronized these guys who were trying to convince us they owned the bar (because they were buying me JD), and passed out on a couch. Then I woke up and was locked in the house. Stupid gated basement apartments. Then I shot shotguns 75 times with Kevin (my first time using a gas action semi-auto), managed to jam it 3 times, and got powder residue all over myself.

Ok, now we get to the fun part. So I call up my buddy having the "launch Jesus" party and it turns out I can make it there just in time for the launch since I've been dawdling. After stupid traffic and drafting behind a statie, I do, in fact, arrive, and it turns out Mike has lied to all his friends saying I'm the safety inspector and he has to wait for me. Thanks Mike! There is a little stubby rocket that gets launched first, which you can sort of see in the third pic, and its parachute fails spectacularly, although it survived intact enough to be launched again later. The main event is pic 2, the huge rocket with 3 rocket engines in it. The launchpad wasn't exactly on level ground, so the rocket veers east into the cornfield, which causes 7 people to go running out to find it, and a bunch of people to climb up into the treehouse to guide them with cellphones. Heh. That's when I lost interest and went to eat watermelon. Oh and I forgot to mention that we saw JC drifting down over the cornfield. His parachute worked a lot better than the stubby rocket's. THE END.

Posted by yargevad at August 15, 2005 12:27 PM

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