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November 12, 2005

all 6 star wars movies at once   (link)

So all six movies are out on DVD now, and I said to myself: I have nothing better to do, and there are so many parallels between these movies as it is, it'd be fun to see how many interesting things line up with each other if I watch all six movies simultaneously.

I ripped the DVDs, and stuck them all together into one video file with Avisynth and VirtualDub, which took up a lot of space and time on my computer for a few days. My first impulse was to overlay them all on top of each other, the better (I thought) to compare them. Turns out, apart from a few bits, it was just ridiculously confusing to look at.

Yeah. So I just laid them out in a grid next to each other instead, like this.

Posted by yargevad at November 12, 2005 04:59 PM

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