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July 29, 2006

new gallery   (pic(s))

So just now I noticed that the link to my gallery is sort of out of date. I've been gradually migrating my pictures from phortawesome to this server, and while I'm not quite done, all my new pics are here, not there. So the links are updated. Enjoy that!

Some recent stuff I just uploaded (yeah, yeah, I know it's been a while) are pics of my going away (from Maryland) party (who took all those pictures of Karen?!), Climbing at Animal World in Boulder Canyon, Kyla and Dylan's wedding (in a skate park) and reception at the Boulder Reservoir, biking (ok not really, but we were biking inbetween all the pics) at Heil Valley Ranch and more...

Posted by yargevad at July 29, 2006 05:17 PM

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