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September 08, 2003

this weekend   (random re me)

i had a good weekend. first of all, there was a fun birthday party in DC friday night, with cake and everything (oh, and 4 kegs too). a couple of us went out for breakfast pretty late, which was good, and probably helped alleviate some hangovers the next morning.

got up at 11, took a cab to a friend's car, got dropped off at mine, and went to my first company party, complete with a bbq. mmm, chargrilled meat! hung out there for a while, got to meet a lot of new people.

went to PhortAwesome after that to relax and eat popcr0n. slept there. went to barnes and noble to buy more books i don't have time to read... but they all look so interesting! i'm starting to see a theme here - i guess i need to make time to read. werd.

Posted by yargevad at September 8, 2003 05:37 PM

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