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July 29, 2004

Maker's Mark Slush   (mixed drinks)

2 cups of tea (1 tea bag to 2 cups of hot water)
2 cups of sugar
7 cups of water
12oz can of frozen orange juice (do not reconstitute!)
2 cups of Maker's Mark
1 can of lemon lime soda

Mix all of the ingredients except soda in a large bowl. Once all of these ingredients are combined, freeze over a 24 hour period. The mix will remain somewhat soft because of the bourbon. To serve, spoon about 1 cup into an 8oz glass, fill your glass the rest of the way with lemon lime soda and add a splash of Maker's if desired. Garnish with mint sprigs, orange, lemon or lime twists and enjoy!

from the Maker's Mark Embassy

Posted by yargevad at July 29, 2004 01:58 PM

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