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July 21, 2005

Crippled Politician   (personality test, random re me)

Crippled Politician!

You are a Politician!
(Dominant Extroverted Abstract Thinker)

You are a POLITICIAN (DEAT)— forceful, outgoing, and forward-looking. You are strong-willed and extroverted, so you enjoy interacting with other people. You aggressively pursue your goals.

Your creative style of thinking allows you to come up with unusual arguments and original ideas that appeal to others, but behind it all is an analytical mind that never forgets the bottom line. While some might see you as manipulative, your close friends know you are a talented person who deserves the best in life.

Whatever. You *are* manipulative. Whether you use your power for "good" or "bad" is up to you. If you're confused what good or bad means, ask a HEALER. Like EXPERIMENTERS, you have a propensity for cheating.

Compared to 14,736,800 other test takers...
99% are more Submissive than you.
0% are more Dominant than you.
1% are just as Dominant as you.

71% are more Introverted than you.
14% are more Extroverted than you.
15% are just as Extroverted as you.

5% are more Abstract than you.
85% are more Concrete than you.
10% are just as Abstract as you.

2% are more Thinking than you.
96% are more Feeling than you.
2% are just as Thinking as you.

Posted by yargevad at July 21, 2005 10:07 AM

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